Congratulations to Alicia McCall for being awarded most improved female of 2021! Alicia was awarded most improved in 2021 in recognition for her commendable effort to increase her mat time and get more involved in the competition scene. She has been picking up technique quickly and has significantly expanded her game and experience in 2021. Get to know Alicia more below! What is your name, how old are you and Where are you originally from? My name is Alicia, I am 30 years old and I am from Charlotte, NC. What brought you to BJJ and Checkmat Charlotte? My fiancé :) How long have you been training? 3 years in March What is your favorite submission? RNC or darce What is the hardest thing about BJJ? I mean the art as a whole is challenging but the hardest part for me personally is not being able to train as frequently as I’d like. What is your proudest moment in BJJ so far? It would have to be receiving most improved student this past year. Also watching my fiancé Austin get his purple belt made for a super proud moment. Can you describe a moment when a challenging new skill clicked? It’s still all tryna click hahaha What is the one thing you like best about BJJ? The confidence it has helped me build. What advice would you give to a brand new student starting BJJ? Take it slow and write stuff down. Record videos. Ask questions. Show up.