What is your long term goal for 2022? This is your main focus for the year as it relates to BJJ. It can be anything from weight loss to competition focused. How will you measure success on this goal? It’s important to be specific in goal setting. “Improve at jiu jitsu” is everyone’s goal, but it is not measurable and therefore impossible to know if you’ve succeeded. What is your plan of action? Define three supporting goals that will help you reach your overall goal. I.e attend at least 2 practices per week, ask questions after practice, keep a training journal… etc. These are the building blocks to help you work towards your larger goal. What are your barriers? I.e. Time, money, energy, health How will you overcome these barriers? Make a sustainable plan that you know you can stick to, be realistic. What support do you need from your coaches and teammates in achieving your goals? Your coaches and teammates are here for a reason. Make time to communicate with your support network, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Define a stretch goal Often, the goals we set come to us easier than we expect. This is the time to keep going - what else would you like to see yourself achieve this year? Lastly, consider your “why” Without a good understanding of why you are trying to achieve these goals, you will lack motivation. Your “why” should be personal and specific to you, and should help you push through the low points to reach your overall goal… “To impress my coaches” will not carry you the distance.