It’s funny how life happens sometimes. My name is Rebecca Dailey, my friends call me Becca. I’m a 30 year old married girl who wants to follow Jesus even when sometimes I really don’t want to. It’s hard. I feel like I haven’t had a community in such a long time. I don’t really have a church that I go to regularly and for the past few years I have gone in and out of different ways to feel like I’m connected. Let’s back up a bit. A little over a year ago I was trying yet again either out of guilt or longing maybe both to feel that connection. A friend and teacher (I met my husband through a class he was teaching 😊) was seeking out people to volunteer with his ministry Refugee Jitsu. (Shout out to James-Michael Smith for such an amazing ministry) I had no idea what Brazilian Jiu Jitsu even was and the thought of trying something new gave me anxiety…like most things in life tend to do for me . I wanted to try it though. I wanted to work with kids and step out a bit. This was the beginning of something amazing. Those kids not only occupy a huge part of my heart now, but they also share in this journey with me of Jiu Jitsu (the gentle art). Within a couple months I started attending an actual academy (Leadership Martial Arts) on a regular basis and yet again met some wonderful people! A couple weeks into it I managed to fracture a rib that took me out for a bit. It was my first injury and my first broken bone; win/win eh? This took me out of the mix for a bit. I was nervous to come back to training but man I missed it. The thing is though, I really believe God brought me to Jiu Jitsu. Not only were things changing for me physically and mentally on these mats, but it also started changing for me outside the mats. I started trusting myself and my capabilities a teensy bit more. I mean if you know me you know I tend to make myself the butt of my own jokes and criticism. I think a lot of us do that, but I think I do it because I probably believe a lot of it on my worst day. Or maybe it’s a defense mechanism I use to cover what I perceive to be the worst parts of me and just need to hear someone’s voice besides the jerk that lives in my head and to top it off just in case I end up doing something good I surprise every one! I didn’t say it was healthy, but most insecurities aren’t a nutritious side of steamed broccoli florets, if you will (see what I did there? 😉). So not only did I step back on the mats after my injury. I used that new identity to start making strives at my job. I work for Jason’s deli distribution. I’ve been there for 10 years. It’s a great company with some awesome people to boot! I have had this dream of being able to work from home for quite some time. So, with some many pep talks from my best friend who always pushes me to stand up for myself…and the grounding support and wisdom of my husband I started making changes and actually asking for what I wanted. Now since this isn’t a blog about Jason’s deli I will just say that as I type 10 years ago I was a really bad with directions delivery driver…to a customer service rep…and now I am a 90 percent of the time work from home warehouse tech support for Jason’s deli distribution. I absolutely LOVE my job. I am teaching myself excel and a touch of VB computer programming language! 😊 Goal set and achieved! Now there is your success story now back to the main reason I wanted to share these events in my life. Remember earlier when I mentioned the community aspect? Well after the rambling session I just did (this is why I don’t write much I am literally all over the place kind of like I am in life too… hmmm I think there may be a lesson here…) So, community! Late April I had settled in to working from home and settled into a new routine. With some new beginnings though you have to close some doors that don’t quite fit any more... even if it was a really good door in your life at the time! Due to my new schedule, I had to change schools I stepped on the mats of Checkmat Charlotte. I don’t know what I was expecting but what I received reminded me of that same God affirming moment when I step on the mats and met the kids at Refugeejitsu. I felt home. It was such a rushing feeling to feel so welcomed and loved by people who try and choke you on a regular basis ha! So finally after a whirlwind of events here we are July 2019. I have met some of the most amazing encouraging people that challenge me (Oh I compete now yeah that happened) and walk beside me as we do this journey of jujitsu together. We come from so many different places and each are in a different chapter of our lives but we support each other and carry each other because well We are Checkmat Charlotte and We are One! P.S. - My husband is on the cusp of joining too! Stay tuned!